jeffs-b-x-w-closed-petalsThe sleepwalkers are gaining on us—we know that we are sleeping. The sleepwalkers are gaining on us and making a mess and sustaining their mess and applauding their mess and propagating more mess. The sleepwalkers are gaining on us.They are many and dangerous and they are snoring and they are cavorting and they are hoarding the blankets. We know that we are sleeping so we pay attention to our dreaming and dream of a wakened world. And dream of a broken vicious cycle by dreaming naming names so everyone can stand up and be accountable and blast the secret that we all know respect is earned not sold or traded—our foreparents are the ones to be told to follow the future. Sleepwalkers sleep in reverse, endlessly rehearsing their forecarrier’s lie, whispered over and over again, so as not to disturb all their sleeping. We know that we are sleeping, dreaming of giant alarm clocks.


Member of the Heard: Righteous Rants & Reasonable Raves from an Emotion Literacy Advocate excerpt
image: Jeff Rogers
©1996 Pamela Sackett

all rights reserved