In a perfect world the truth doesn’t hurt
and everyone can afford to tell it
in a perfect world the truth doesn’t hide
everyone can smell it
and say so
in a perfect world the truth waves like a flag
never required to lay low
in a perfect world we can trust the truth
because it lives within the heart
and everyone knows it is out of that place
all actions grow or tear apart
in a perfect world
in a perfect world
we rely upon the truth to be an accurate compass
leading us all to the main symphony hall
not a back room filled with discordant rumpus
in a perfect world the truth is never asked
to say that it is sorry
because everybody understands the language must
spell out its justifiable real true story
and everyone listens to the story as it is told
eager to know
eager to tell it with their own unbridled spontaneity
eager to wear it like a charm to keep us out of harm’s way
in a perfect world
the truth is not the catalyst for angry or fearful reactions
but one giant bath drawn to warm and be shared by cold warring factions
in a perfect world the truth adds up
never figures by subtractions
in a perfect world
the truth decides
Speak of the Ghost: In the Name of Emotion Literacy excerpt
© 2019 Pamela Sackett
all rights reserved