A creative non-fiction, multi-media, work in progress, here is FACING THE MOON table of contents: cover art, titles & sub-titles: (full cover art viewable only after each video posted here is activated.)

A self/social inquiry with universal themes, the work’s initial prompt was my current mobility challenge and all implications therein…including learning about neural circuitry looping…an alarm switch that won’t turn off…triggering chronic pain that is not structural, not due to tissue pathology, and that all pain is generated by brain signals to the nervous system, regardless of specific cause.

Please email me here with questions and personal impressions: pamela(at)pamelasackett.com

Thank you, in advance, for viewing and responding.

*NOTE: The optimum way to view these videos is by way of a screen larger than a cell phone…many of the illustrations are too subtle to show, in full, on a phone screen…these pieces are designed in a 1080 x 1920 frame. Plus, adequate speakers will make the best of the songs & sound effects. AND, if the “on” arrow jams/loops when starting each video, re-load the page or “x” out and begin again…sorry for any inconvenience.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD: her moments’ memoir in verse

This series part features the original songs: Satellite (harmony by Bo Parker) and Trapeze (harmony by Nalini Lasiewicz, an integral musical collaborator/contributor to the series). 

AS IF THE OTHER: vying for vision

This series part features the original song: Love Might Lullaby…a blend of vintage and current recordings.

RIGHTEOUS RE-MATCH: talking back, mad to be had

This series part features the original song: Seems Like…my brain protest song.

THE DEBT: may I carry you?

This series part features the original song: All Along…a mix of vintage and current recordings.

WHO’S IN CHARGE: what rings?

This series part features the original song: Mother May I: mortality’s morass!

ALL COLORS SPEAK: a missing link

This series part features the beautiful art of Moti, a long-time friend and colleague, plus, the original song: Just Like Me…with a new spoken track combined with a vintage song recording from when I was living in Los Angeles, writing songs, singing and recording some of them with Nalini, over forty years ago!

DESTINED BY DESIGN: choosing rhythm & rhyme

This series part features the original song: Lotus Blue


The follow-up to this video series is a book I am currently preparing for publication…

A brand new collection of four-line poetic meditations with a diverse array of single-word (like in a dictionary)  “action verbs” and an array of simple-line illustrations & essays (mostly in verse). My generative work and process of learning new ways to handle my tension-producing survival-brain responses with love-generated reassuring reminders, through multiple pathways continues…⎈

❣️Thanks for your interest and responses to Facing the Moon.


Contact: pamela(at)pamelasackett.com